Are you ready to be filleed to overflowing with God's Spirit? His power and anointing are available to you today. Move into God's deepriver of anointing!
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The Word of God teaches us that the Lord knows our needs intimately,  "yet we receive nothing until we ask: " Ye have not, because ye ask not" ( James 4:2). It is His will that we come to him in adoration and humility, totally dependent upon Him for our needs.




God's Spirit is always moving; He is not doing the same thing today that He did yesterday.  You must never be so caught up in past experiences with the Lord that you miss what He is doing right now.




I remember Kathryn Kuhlman saying,  "The greatest power that God has given to any individual is the power of prayer." Prayer is powerfully bidding us to come into Almighty God's presence.




We are in a powerful season!  It's time for total recovery,  restoration,  and abundance!  A supernatural wealth transfer is coming,  yet every miracle requires action. God Almighty wants to know if He can trust us. Show Him He can. Give today in obedience.
If you desire to be blessed beyond measure,  then you must spend quality time in His presence.  Your prayers for recovery,  total restoration,  and abundance will be answered as you spend quality time in God's presence and seek Him with all your heart - today and throughout your life!
If you want to be part of a bountiful harvest that you've never experienced before, you must do something you've never done before! Release your faith by sowing seed. then expect abundance and favor! 
When it comes to prayer, believing is seeing!  That's what faith is. God spoke and the universe appeared.  So we must speak the things into being that we desire and believe in faith!
Today, God wants to pour out the blessings of heaven on you as you fellowship together.  He wants you to arise and walk with boldness as you claim what is rightfully yours!


    Benny Hinn is an envangelist and a best selling author. He heads a world wide organization of miracle crusades and conferences.


    January 2014
    December 2013

